Kesher Pittsburgh

Adult Learning

Class Descriptions

**Class format and structure is subject to change, based on the number of registrants we receive**

Dismantling Racism from the Inside Out: An online course for transforming your antiracism efforts through Jewish spiritual practice.

Form antiracist habits and behaviors through a Jewish spiritual practice in this 13-session virtual Zoom training cofacilitated by Kohenet Keshira and Yehudah Webster and co-sponsored by The Lunar Collective. 

Dismantling Racism from the Inside Out is a course and community of practice that equips participants with daily concrete Jewish spiritual tools of Mussar to confront, subvert, and heal implicit and internalized racism within ourselves and others, supporting the collective organizing, advocacy and service-work efforts to dismantle racism systemically.

Learn daily concrete Jewish spiritual tools alongside community members to confront, subvert, and heal implicit and internalized racism within ourselves and others, supporting the collective organizing, advocacy, and service-work efforts to dismantle racism systemically. 

On Solid Ground: Fundamentals of Judaism is an expansive exploration of the foundations of Judaism through, providing us a stable place from which to learn, study, practice, lead, create, ritualize, diverge, and innovate.

This class is intended for:

  • People who want to learn the basics of Jewish practice, history and tradition (including folx who want to people who want to reclaim Jewish lineage, or are considering conversion)

  • Those who want to fill in gaps from the Jewish education of their youth or to deepen their understanding in order to bring Judaism to their home, family, and/or community

  • Folx who are keen to reconsider what they understand about Judaism in an anti-oppressionist framework

13 sessions of one hour and 15 minutes, followed by a 60-minute check-in call